Free Training on Chemical Safety by Green Rhino!

If you own a business that handles chemicals, knowing the effective way to use, handle, store and dispose of them can reduce costs for your business in the long run. As an employer, you also have a responsibility to provide a safe workplace for your employees. Knowing the hazards and the response needed in case of chemical emergencies plays a big role in keeping your employees safe and alive. If you are an employee who directly uses chemicals, it is paramount you know about chemical safety to protect you from any hazards that come with using it.

Green Rhino can provide FREE training about chemical safety. Get certified after the training!  Below are just some of the topics we can discuss with you and your team: 

  • Chemicals and how it affects our body
  • Personal protective equipment and basic controls
  • Safety Data Sheets
  • Labels
  • Pictograms
  • Wall Charts
  • Using hazardous chemicals the right way
  • Dilution Ratios

Enquire now with one of our Green Rhino cleaning experts about this FREE chemical safety course and other cleaning courses available.